Mesmerizing mistakes
In bondage is my soul!
I ventured into Schweinefleisch!
Then Rindfleisch!
The shrieks, and battered cries
Came throbbing-knocking in my Herz!
Why? From where? Who does it? And
Wait, the noise-of-wait, captures
the drill
Of the military robes and the thrushes long for
the silent breeding they once 'could've!'
'No...the wait...grows, bigger, louder and this
noise is thud shut
into noises, more and more and louder and clear and unending'
The brain shrieks a cry of dark-dugeony-anger.
Colouring the purchased noises of the past
Wanting to buy more but no! Past is past.
No more bidding! Bitte!
Present shudders and walks past future
And I become the Super-dumb, the cult-of-disaster!
Silence breeds like agony aunt forever and forever.
The noise of waiting in me, grows like a bamboo
Ready to be cut and ready to rise up like the or a Tower again
T-T-T-Tomorrow, unceasing smooth-agony, devouring the left
overs in me will rise up again?
Left overs of survival like a duck-pose.
what is this life if silence is to live?